Fort Amherst – situated on Dock Road and within a few hundred yards of Chatham’s Dockyard – is Britain’s largest Napoleonic fortress. When the Dutch ran riot along the River Medway in 1667, Chatham Dockyard was raided due to a lack of defence. Work began on a fort in 1755: some forty-seven years after the original plans were laid out. The site on which the fortress was constructed harboured several caves and over time these were lengthened and strengthened to form the impressive labyrinth of tunnels one can see today.
-Haunted Chatham, p. 27 -
1. An electrician working on a ladder experienced an incident where a fire bucket fell off the wall and then moved on its own. The bucket flew across the room, seemingly propelled by an unseen force.

2. During a tour of the fort, a guide noticed a missing visitor, who was later found in the Communications Room talking on tone of the old phones. The visitor claimed to have received a call on the unconnected phone, with a female voice telling her that a bomb had dropped on her house. The guide explained that the room used to handle such calls from worried residents many years ago.

3. In a different part of the fort known as "the well," young women on tours have reported their skirts being tugged by an unseen presence. Some believe this may be the work of a mischievous young ghost, occasionally pulling hair and slapping buttocks. The area is also associated with drumming sounds and sightings of a young boy.

4. The legend of the "angel stone" is discussed. This stone is believed to have been touched by miners for good luck, and it features an obscure carving resembling an angel. The tunnels are thought to have been extended with the help of Cornish and Welsh miners. Some inscriptions and graffiti in the tunnels suggest that people may have died there during a cave-in in the eighteenth century. In one area known as the Lightning Shaft, a female phantom referred to as "Lily of the Valley" is said to appear. Strangely, she is described as beautiful by male visitors but as ugly by female visitors who see her.

It is about the haunted history of Fort Amherst, a Napoleonic fortress located near Chatham's Dockyard in the UK. The fort was built as a defence system but was never used in battle. It was restored in the 1970s and has become a popular tourist attraction, known for its ghost tours.
Fort Amherst is considered one of the most haunted places in Kent, and it attracts thousands of visitors every year. Description of a live ghost hunt at the fort conducted by radio presenters and mediums. During the investigation, the team made contact with a spirit named Vincent and mentioned other spirits like Margaret and Frank.
The article concludes by noting that, in many ghost hunts, the spirits contacted may not be directly connected to the location, and various factors, including audience members and mediums, can influence the reported paranormal activity. The use of equipment like motion sensors and EVP devices is mentioned, but the evidence for paranormal activity remains inconclusive.

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